Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Suspense
Published Date February 6, 2024, 400 pages
Just some real honesty on this book, it took me about 50% in to really get into it. I could not relate or even really find anything about any of the characters that I liked so there was no connection for me to the book. There are nuances to this right, she’s setting the story up, giving the background and getting us to the end but it just made it hard for me personally to get into it.
That being said, once the book hits, it hits. The momentum gets going, things are falling into place, and I was sucked in. I’m sitting in the lobby of my daughter’s dance studio losing my mind cause it’s just one thing after another. The craziness of the end and the way she made everything come together completely made me forget about the issues I had with the beginning of the book.
I gave this book a 3/5 based on me wanting to finish the book because I knew there was something to it and I had to know how it was going to end. This book is on Kindle Unlimited so I would say if you had that subscription, I would recommend it because you’re not paying anything additional for it but I would not re-read this book.
Favorite Quote: “The only thing I could use would be my stiletto heels, although I’d rather a mugger take me down than wreck my pumps.”
SIDE NOTE: Freida McFadden has a lot of books out there. I have read The Inmate by her as well and remember kind of the same situation. I was a bit unsure about the beginning of the book but then she wrapped it up really well, I would have to read more of her books to see if this is the usual for her. I will continue to read some more of her books because I do like the thriller part of her books and the twists have not been ones that I saw coming.
-All the Books, All the Tea